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Hooking CRM with IoT

Hello everyone! Tenlogic is back with some more riveting stuff about CRM and how we can pull off benefits from CRM. Here in this post, we are going to talk about uniting IoT and CRM, and the charisma this fusion can bring to the world- questing for an automated life.


What is IoT? IoT- Internet of Things. That’s it? Is that enough to understand IoT? No not at all. Let me elucidate what exactly IoT is. Imagine you are capable of controlling all of your house accessories- like your heating device, air conditioner, washing machine, and television- using simple message notifications sent and received on your phone or tablet device, so you are in the IoT world. Isn’t that cool? IoT enables you to access your house remotely from any place. So now I guess you have a gist of IOT.


Now coming to CRM- A tool that reduces labor automates data entry, increases sales, and makes customer management efficient.

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